We help you achieve your professional goals.

We consider people’s skills and needs to help them develop their goals and choose a career path.

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Career services

Whether you need help finding a job, re-entering the job market or starting a new career, we offer personalized support and tools to help you succeed. Since everyone is unique, we consider each person’s life experience, education and professional background.

Personalized assistance

  • Needs assessment and a personalized action plan
  • Job search strategies
  • Resumes, cover letters and mock interviews
  • Educational and vocational information
  • Support and job retention


Our Explore-Action group program allows unemployed people to explore the job market and learn what type of training is in-demand. We consider people’s interests, skills and needs to help them develop a career goal and move forward with confidence.

A group program that acknowledges your background

  • Group workshops with an individual follow-up
  • Self-awareness and skills development
  • Definition of a career goal
  • Discovery of jobs and training
  • Exploratory tours and cultural outings
  • Internships or volunteer work

Resource Center

Our resource centre is a place where you can search for information, fill out online forms or applications and look for potential jobs. You can also use the centre to develop computer skills or improve your knowledge of the softwares used in the job market.

Resources to help you

  • Computers and internet access
  • Printer and fax machine
  • Presence of a team member to help you

Take the first step, and we'll help you keep going.

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